Thursday, February 11, 2010

If 60% Of The People On A Boat Drowned, Is That Good?

People. Howdy.
"Median Home Prices Show Signs Of Stability" was the title of an article written in USA Today, today.
"Home prices rose in 40% of U.S. cities in the fourth quarter of last year" was in the 1st paragraph. Looks good, but are we done with home prices dropping faster then grandpa's dentures? Let's see. 40% of the cities went up, so the other 60% went down or remained the same. Still not bad. let's dig deeper.
"The national median price was $172,900, or 4.1% below the fourth quarter last year. That was the smallest year-over-year price decline in more than two years" is what the article said later. Well, not plummeting like we were, but not as zippidy-do-da as the title suggests. Further still.
January foreclosures were still up 15% from a year ago, more people will be upside down on their mortgage (eliminating them to sell their home and buy another place, regardless of prices) & we are about to have another record year in foreclosures. It will be much worse if there's not an extension for the Federal tax credit for home buyers.
The good news: Home prices are very affordable and interest rates are fantastic. People don't seem as desperate as before and unemployment actually improved recently (.3%, not much but better than a stick in the eye, unless your job is to take sticks in your eye).
Eventually, we'll be alright!
Check out the article (click on the title) and let me know how full of it I am.
God Bless.

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